
Wow clean up bags
Wow clean up bags

We're encouraged to Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse - one step at at time. My mom and sister have been washing their plastic bags for years, and I'm following their example. But, it's a small thing I can do to conserve. The one foot bar that I've stepped over has been to wash and reuse plastic ziploc bags. Take baby steps over those 1 foot bars, take on tasks that are doable, and eventually and collectively we can accomplish bigger goals and make a difference. But, that philosophy applies to any attempt to achieve something big. Billionaire Buffet was talking more about business goals (he should know!) than environmental ones. bars that I can step over." Warren Buffet Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

  • "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful people could change the world.
  • "We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." Marian Wright Edelman.
  • I find inspiration in quotes from some famous people to motivate me to try, in whatever small ways, to do my part for Mother Earth. It can be overwhelming to consider the magnitude of environmental issues like this, and it's easy to feel defeated and powerless to make a difference. But small efforts can add up. There are many reasons they are hurting our Earth.

    wow clean up bags

    Tons of carbon emissions are produced each year from manufacturing them. Plastic bags take over 400 years to biodegrade.

    wow clean up bags

    But, once used and discarded they are such a problem in our landfills, oceans, and environment in general. I use them in so many ways, especially for freezing food. Plastic bags are both a blessing and a curse. As Earth Day rolls around each year, it leads to discussions about ways to live a greener life. In today's post, I'm focusing on one small thing I do to conserve: washing and reusing plastic ziploc-type bags.

    Wow clean up bags